Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I feel a little bad for how little I have been posting here. Part of my excuse is the slow internet connection.  I only get internet for an hour or two a couple of times a week, and sometimes I can’t get Blogger to load during that entire time. Another part of my excuse is the fact that so many hours each day are regimented for me, and I don’t have much personal free time where I can do what I want. But I think the biggest thing that’s stopping me from writing is that things are just too different here, and I don’t know how to comment on it in a way that is at all relatable to life in the United States. Looking over the things I’ve written, I’ve been able to get in little pieces of what my life is like here, but I don’t think there’s any amount that I could write that would start to give a real feeling for what it’s like. For me, in spite of the reading I did and pictures I looked at from home, things in Burkina are totally different from how I had imagined, and I can’t really explain why. I knew that there would be no running water or plumbing or electricity and that it would be hot all the time. But the reality is so much more. I don’t mean that it’s worse. Just something about the quality is too different to explain. Even pictures don’t really capture it. Anyway, I’ll keep trying. Just know that there is more behind the words.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. (And really will email you soon.)

  2. Mariko, I love your posts. I think you are conveying a lot more than you think you are.

  3. Thank you both! I will be interested to have people visit here and see how it compares with what I've gotten across. (Was that a hint? maybe)
