Saturday, September 22, 2012

Picture for Saturday: Calabash head

Sorry to Facebook friends, for whom the picture is old news:

Upon buying a calabash at the market as a thank you present for my host family from training, discovered that it did not fit into my backpack, and tried to find the most efficient method of transporting it back home.


Things are going well here. Today officially marks 4 weeks that I have been at site. Classes are scheduled to start on October 1st. I will be teaching 2 classes of 7th grade math for a total of 10 hours a week, and there are 85 students in each class. (That's a pretty reasonable class size here, actually. Whoo.)

I bought a car battery for my house so I could use it to charge my computer. However, keeping the car battery charged has been a big fuss. I have consequently been trying to limit my time on the computer. I hope to buy a solar panel for the battery when I get paid next week, and then it won't be an issue anymore.

Note: I updated my care package wish list, if you're interested.


  1. You're going to go to Africa a Math Teacher and come back and engineer. Whether you come back and engineer or not, you'll know more about yourself and the world. I look forward to getting to know that person and I look forward to your future writings.

    And as for that calabash, that sounds like a party. If you told me you were having a calabash Thursday night, I'd cancel my Friday morning meetings, buy a bottle and head on over.

    However, looking at the picture, I don't think calabash means what I think it means. Though MasterBlaster, dressed in alabaster, playing a stratocaster in Lancaster could have headlined the calabashter.

    Did you see him at Coachella?

  2. Mariko,

    Hi. Cynthia told me about this awesome adventure that you've embarked on. Congratulations. I checked in to both read and see some pictures. Your piece about the names is hilarious. But, alas, the pictures don't seem to be accessible. Do you think that you could either send them to me ( or try to re-post them.

    Good luck and, again, congratulations on the important work that you are doing in BF.


    DeWayne A. Powell
